PPIG 2009 - 21st Annual Workshop
Using computerized procedures for testing and training abstract comparative relations
Agata Vitale, Veronica Cullinan
Abstract: Abstract comparative reasoning is involved whenever one arbitrary stimulus (i.e. not defined by its physical properties) is related to another in terms of qualitative or quantitative relations. This kind of reasoning is part of our everyday life, and it is the substratum for other kinds of more complex related reasoning skills, such as hierarchical relations. Previous studies indicated that normally developed adults find difficult to solve some comparative relations, even when these simply involve three elements (e.g. X> U; U Computer programming, more than other fields, requires flexibility of thinking in abstract terms (including abstract comparative reasoning). It is therefore hoped that the automated procedures developed in Experiments 1&2 may provide the basis for similar techniques to test and train comparative relations in individuals who approach this field for the first time (e.g. students).