PPIG 2017 - 28th Annual Workshop
Digital Makers: Ownership, Personalisation and Purpose
Chris Martin, Janet Hughes
Abstract: This paper describes research into supporting the creation of engaging learning experiences with programming. It describes a fieldwork study conducted to explore the framing of learning programming in tasks that motivate and are of value to the learner. The findings – that ownership, personalisation and purpose can support learning whilst providing considerable motivation - should provide educators with insights to support key design decisions for the creation of engaging programming learning experiences. They support the assertion that factors outwith programming content can significantly affect success in programming. The complex interplay between different skills associated with computer programming will remain a challenge to learners. When placed in a rich context that fits the learner well and supports the learning aims, many of these difficulties can be overcome. The work described here suggests it should be possible to compile positive features of a learning experience to enable learners have the best possible opportunity to engage with and succeed with computer programming.