PPIG 2020 - 31st Annual Workshop 17 - 21 Aug & 30 Nov - 4 Dec 2020, online

PPIG Music Session: Wednesday, December 2, 6pm UTC / 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific

Music, or some approximation to it, is a tradition at PPIG. One of the things we’ve tried to do, from time to time, is to fill the need for programming shanties, like sea shanties, that we can all take up to ease the drudgery of our work. And we all need more programming ballads, capturing the yearning we may feel, as we compare our career accomplishments with our aspirations (if you are more upbeat about that, programming carols are also welcome.) Songs celebrating PPIG itself are also wanted.

To save you work, this year’s thematic melody is “Clementine” (see e.g. this video). So please contribute new verses for this old song.

Here’s a sample verse:

Here’s to PPIG! Here’s to PPIG!
It’s the workshop most sublime
Where your work will find a hearing,
If you don’t take too much time.

During the event, you’ll be welcome to sing your new verses, or just to recite them. Instrumental accompaniment or other performances, on instruments of any kind, are welcome (in a past year we had a performance on a set of handbells taken from a collection of Christmas crackers, so there really are no limits here.)

– from PPIG 2020 Music Committee